Team India 's star batsman Suresh Raina shared a tweet on 6 September and gave such a news to the fans, which shocked everyone. This left-handed batsman (Suresh Raina) has made another shocking decision after retiring from international cricket on 15 August 2022.
Mahi's best friend (Suresh Raina) shared a tweet and told the whole world that he (Suresh Raina) is now retiring from all forms of cricket. Now he will neither be a part of IPL nor domestic cricket. Suresh Raina tweeted that it is a matter of pride for him to play for the country and Uttar Pradesh. But he now announces his retirement from all forms of cricket.
With this, he (Suresh Raina) has also taken NOC from the UP union. He will no longer be a part of any tournament affiliated to BCCI. His (Suresh Raina) retirement has surprised everyone. Through this article, we are going to tell you about 5 such players who can retire completely from Indian cricket like Suresh Raina .
Like Suresh Raina, these 5 cricketers can also say goodbye to India cricket completely
He played 46 ODI matches for his national team, in which he has scored 934 runs. At the same time, he has added 249 runs in 13 matches of T20. Even after retiring from international cricket, he is seen playing in the IPL. But he is at that stage of age where he will not be able to play in IPL for long. The 36-year-old batsman soon announced his complete retirement from Indian cricket.
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